Whether it's disguised as faith or as values or as decision-making or problem-solving or creativity, it's all Jewish thinking.
And can it change the way in which we tend to view past, present, and future?
And why "the west is currently in the process of committing suicide."
These people personify the notion that activism is part of the Jewish DNA!
"Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips." — Proverbs 27:2
Exploring what we can learn from the symbolism of Torah being presented to Jews in a desert, once upon a time.
And five personal benefits that come with doing so.
"Judaism recognizes that futurity is guaranteed in the classroom, that survival is predicated on education."
A look at the faces whose work is moving the Jewish media world forward.
And why today's generation of Jews is more Goliath than David, which could be bad news for the Jewish People.
A look at how tiny minorities of people have so much skin in the Jewish game, that it effectively forces the rest of us to play by their rules.
Enjoy these often inconspicuous aspects of Judaism, which we break down into Jewish culture and lifestyle, Jewish wisdom, Jewish Peoplehood, Jewish history, the State of Israel, and Hebrew.